16:00 — 17:30
Relevant regulations for foreign professionals working in Taiwan
Free online briefing
Briefing topic
Microsoft Teams
online briefing
Free of charge
2021-10-22 (Fri) 16:00 — 17:30
1. Introduction to Taiwan's work permit 2. Introduction to the seven types of common work permits (and for overseas Chinese to work in Taiwan after graduation)
3. Introduction of Employment Gold Card (Work Permit and Residence Permit)
4. Introduction to the types of exceptions that do not need to apply for a work permit 5. Introduction to the types of entry visas that are work permits Employment Law 9. Related Questions and Answers
Who is eligible to participate?
Description will be suitable for object/
Anyone who wants to know the regulations related to foreigners working in Taiwan
For example /

is considering hiring
HR or business owner

About to graduate
want to work in Taiwan
Overseas Chinese/Foreign Students

I have foreign friends
Considering coming to Taiwan to work

Interested in the regulations related to foreigners coming to work in Taiwan

I want to sign up!
The online briefing will be conducted via Microsoft Teams live stream.
The link URL of the briefing session will be sent to the e-mail address filled in during registration 3 days before.
Places are limited and will be selected in the order of registration until full.
Luming reserves the right to adjust the personnel/scenes, and whether the briefing session will be held or not.